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Where Are You Going from Here?

Planning to transfer to a four-year college? Transfer is a process, not an event! The earlier you begin the process, the more likely the experience will be hassle-free and successful.

You can start completing requirements right now while you are at College of the Redwoods. Meeting with Counseling and Advising to make an Education Plan will help make sure that the courses you are taking fufill requirements at the school you plan to attend.

Services available:
  • Academic Advising
  • Annual Transfer Student Day Event
  • Transfer Admissions Agreements
  • Four-year University Representative Visits

Are You Transferring to..

Cal Poly Humboldt (CPH) is a campus within the California State University (CSU) system. Whether you are focused on going to CPH or just want to include it in your back up plans, CR and Cal Poly Humboldt work together closely to provide a smooth transfer experience for students.

Below are some direct resources to help you with your transfer, as well as free special events that occur regularly throughout the year. Special events are communicated through email, so make sure to regularly check your CR student email account often!

  • Meet directly with a Cal Poly Humboldt transfer coordinator on the CR or CPH campus!
    Find out drop-in hours or schedule an appointment by emailing or calling:
    CR office phone: 707-476-4196
    Cal Poly Humboldt office phone: (707) 826-6239
    CR’s Welcome Center phone: 707-476-4135
  • Get personalized transfer advising and guaranteed admission to CPH!

Students new to the California Community College system can get personalized transfer advising and guaranteed admission to Cal Poly Humboldt through the CSU Transfer Success Pathway. The first step is to complete your CSU Transfer Planner before the end of your first month in school. 

  • Find out the coursework and steps you need to transfer with CPH's Transfer Admissions Requirements.
  • The SEED project  maximizes units and resorces for students interested or enrolled in CPH's Inividualized Degree Program. 
  • Special events offered to CR transfer students throughout the year, advertised through CR email 

CR Annual Transfer Student Day event
CPH admission application help workshops
CR to CPH transfer student social events
CPH Campus Preview Days
CPH Instant Admissions events
CPH major and program visits to the CR campus
CR and CPH special transfer topics presentations

The following links provide helpful resources to assist and inform students in their transfer to the CSU system. The following information is subject to change. Students should review the most recent catalog of the campus of their choice and consult with a CR counselor or advisor.

The following links provide helpful resources to assist and inform students in their transfer to the UC system. The following information is subject to change. Students should review the transfer admission web pages of the campuses of their choice.

California State University Transfer Success Pathway

Want to go to Cal Poly Humboldt or another campus in the CSU system? Students attending the California Community College for the first time may be eligible for guaranteed admission to a CSU campus, receiving personalized transfer advising along the way.

Students must enroll in the program before September 30th of each academic year, so act fast! Get started by visiting this site and completing a CSU Transfer Planner.

University of California Transfer Admission Guarantee (UC TAG)

Want guaranteed admission to one UC of choice? Six UC campuses offer the Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) program for California community college students who meet specific requirements by set timelines. By participating in TAG, you will receive early review of your academic records and early admission notification.  Even with the TAG, you can still apply to additional UC campuses of your interest. 

Click here for more information about the TAG program 


Associate Degree for Transfer (AA-T or AS-T)

Associate Degrees for Transfer are designed to align your coursework at College of the Redwoods with major requirements in the CSU system.

In addition to providing excellent preparation for your major, this degree holds a guarantee that  students who earn an AA-T or AS-T degree and meet the CSU minimum eligibility requirements are guaranteed admission to a CSU, but not necessarily to a particular campus or major. With the special degree, you may be given a GPA bump when applying to an impacted campus outside your local service area or to impacted majors that are deemed similar. 

In addition, once at the CSU, if you are admitted and enrolled in a designated similar degree program you have the opportunity to complete your bachelor’s degree with as little as 60 semester units or 90 quarter units of coursework. 

To view CR’s Associate Degrees for Transfer, visit CR’s catalog.

To find out which majors are designated similar to your degree, use this major search tool


Historically Black Colleges (HBCU)

HBCUs were established primarily to serve the higher education needs of the African-American community, however they are open to students of all ethnicities.  There are more than 100 HBCUs in the country, with most located in the South and on the East Coast.  

Thanks to an agreement signed March 17, 2015 between the California Community Colleges and several HBCUs, California community college students who complete certain academic requirements are guaranteed transfer to one of 37 participating HBCUs.

For more information, click here. 


Oregon Exchange Program

College of the Redwoods offers reciprocity agreements that allow eligible Oregon residents to attend CR and eligible California residents to attend Southern Oregon University or Oregon Institute of Technology at a reduced tuition rate.  For requirements and steps for participation and the application, visit CR’s admissions and Records department’s Oregon Exchange Information.


Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE)

Western Undergraduate Exchange programs offer a broad range of higher education options for some 40,500 students each year at undergraduate, graduate, and professional levels.

Eligible California residents can request a reduced tuition rate of 150% of resident tuition at participating two- and four-year college programs outside of their home state.  To participate, students need to apply to a WUE participating school, and that school will make the determination of eligibility and award. 

For more information, click here. 



Western Governors University (WGU)

Western Governors University is an online college offering bachelor and master’s degree is in focused major areas.  Students who attended a California Community College and completed an approved associate degree will have guaranteed admission as a junior, and will have many of their core general education and competency areas waived in related major areas. 

For more information about WGU, visit their website.


For more information about WGU’s partnerships with CR, check out the designated transfer pathways.



Top Resources for Your Transfer Planning:








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